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Kerala High Court Advocates Association passes resolution to constitute ICC for sexual harassment complaints
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Kerala High Court Advocates Association passes resolution to constitute ICC for sexual harassment complaints

Mar 23, 2022

Last Updated on March 23, 2022 by Administrator

Team- SLC@sociolegalcorp 

Written by- preksha jain

Kerala High Court Advocates Association passes resolution to constitute ICC for sexual harassment complaints

Members of kerala high court advocate associations on tuesday passed a resolution to constitute an internal complaints committee (ICC) to deal with the sexual harassment with women in the workplace with accordance with the sexual harassment of woman at workplace (prevention, prohibition and redressal) act, 2013(POSH Act). 

A meeting was held in which the president of KHCAA Rajesh Vijayan stated that they wanted to constitute the ICC to support the women in the society who face embarrassment and harassment in the workplace.

He pointed out to make laws for medha kotwal lele vs union of india within 2 months with the guidelines of the case vishaka vs state of rajasthan. 

Advocate Boby M shekar and 117 other advocate stated that their are more number of female lawyers enrolled over the years and they face problem in the process and this even incluse the sexual harrasment and abuse. The KHCAA wants to create ICC under the POSH act to increase the level of prevention, prohibition and redressal  at the workplace for women. 

In the circumstances, it was proposed that the KHCAA may pass a resolution in the following manner :

Resolve to formulate and constitute an Internal Committee as contemplated under POSH Act to address the complaint of sexual harassment against women members and other aggrieved women in its precincts;

Resolve that a comprehensive mechanism be formulated for inquiry into allegations of sexual harassment and to take appropriate disciplinary action against the members who are found guilty; and

Resolve and authorise the Executive Committee of KHCAA to make necessary changes and amendments in the Rules and Regulations, 1971 of the Kerala High Court Advocates Association for the effective implementation of the different provisions of POSH Act.

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