The former Chief Minister Jayalalitha’s niece, J. Deepa filed a petition in court seeking the order of injunction against the release of her biopics,...
A petition was filed in court by Puneet Solanki, Abhishek Kharb, Surendra Solanki, Ashok Solanki, Ankit Gulania, Akshay, Pradeep Mishra and others,against the action...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Sharon decided to create COVIDRights, a website dedicated to assisting people in finding pro-bono legal counsel on COVID-19-related legal matters...
Dr. Ambedkar Law University Ph.D Regulations, 2020 (Ph.D Regulations) mandates only post graduates with a ‘Two Years Master’s Degree in law to apply for...
The National University of Juridical Science, Kolkata (NUJS) has voted upon a new British-style house system to enhance student politics while at the same time...
Two petitioners namely, Gulza Kumari and Gurwinder Singh filed a petition in the Pubjab and Haryana High Court claiming a protection petition from their...
On Wednesday, the Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta confirmed the appointment of Lady Justice Martha Koome as the Country’s inaugural female Chief Justice (CJ) by...